20 Novembre 2009
Écrit par A. C. et N. S. Vendredi (cambodgesoir)
Translated by Monikhemra Chao
At the time when the senators discuss new bill adoption, the manager of the center is waiting for his judgement for grievous bodily harm on miners.
" The manager of the orphanage was provisionally unloosed by waiting for his trial ", declared Men Makara, interviewer in the organization of defence of human rights Adhoc, in load of this affair. The interviewer adds that the manager poured 500 dollars in the Court of Kandal. It besides promised to answer all convocations of justice.
Meth Narong, 55 years, was stopped at the end of October to have hit with a staff three orphans, from 14 to 16 years old. One of them, hurt at the head, had been driven to the hospital to accept care there.
Because it was warm too much in their dormitory, the teenagers had decided to install their mattresses outside, but at night, a dog partly tore them, drawing away this bursting out of violence on behalf of the manager.
One of the brutalized teenagers pointed out on Radio Free Asia that it was not the first time when Meth Narong acted in that way with the children of whom he was in charge.
Men Makara d' Adhoc declares himself anxious to know Meth Narong in freedom. And especially that he follows his activities and can put pressure on the victims, because « he did not acknowledge his error ». The interviewer is besides surprised that trial defers coming because the clerk confirmed him that the inquiry was ended. Having contacted Hebdo by Cambodia in the Evening, a representative of foundation in Cambodia confirmed that Meth Narong kept the manager's post of the orphanage Holybaby 2.
The great majority of the last children adopted in Cambodia by couples Frenchman come from both orphanages of the Foundation of firm Zannier Holybaby, located in the periphery of Phnom Penh. Foundation also finances, partly, the Cambodian shutter of the program of the volunteers of international adoption, initiated in 2008 by Rama Yade then state secretary in Foreign affairs and in human rights.
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